Sunday, February 11, 2018

Suds's beer week in review: February 4-February 10

This week of potential beer fun was ruined by snow! (Missed a Super Bowl party due to snow [though 30 ounces of BA stouts over lunch may've contributed to our no-go decision], cut short Thursday night due to more snow and stayed in Friday night due to still more snow)

Total beers tasted: 20 (shared a few with a bud on Thursday night) 
  • Best beer: Prop '17. I'm a superfan! Just agreed to trade a bunch of bottles for another bottle, in fact. The banana finish is losing some of its banana flavor and just presenting as a nice sweetness to close out the upfront burst of cinnamon.
  • Second-best beer: Pliney the Elder. I was bummed not to make it to Russian River for the Pliney the Younger release last weekend (couldn't justify dropping a grand to chase a tick), but was happy that a bud brought me some PtE back. It's still a beautifully balanced beer, though I think all the NEIPAs I drink these days made it seem like it should be named Piney the Elder. (See what I did there?)
  • Third-best beer: Trademark Dispute Orange Label Coconut. The beer that was once Nooner 10 and is now Greatest Hits Coconut has held up well more than a year after release. Cycle BA stouts are totally in my wheelhouse and I can't wait to drink all five of the Greatest Hits together this weekend! 
  • Fourth-best beer: Double Barrel VSOD. BA Rev is good Rev. This is among the best of the Winter 2017-2018 cans. Still partial to Cafe Deth, I suspect.
  • Fifth-best beer: Cryo Citra. Citra Ninja helped put Pipeworks on the map, and this brand-new remix of it takes me back to those Halycon days of exciting new beer discoveries in my own backyard.
Beer bummers

  • Madagascar '18, I am not really feeling you. Have you changed or is it me? Were you always so thin, was your finish always so milky? Did a bud really favorably compare you to Vanilla Rye just three years ago? SMGDH
  • King Sue. Way too much cat pee in the December batch!
  • Fresh IIPA V10 (Fresh by 02.27.18). I've had a dozen or so of the beers in Hubbard's Cave's "Fresh by" series, and this is the second time I've opened an oxidized bottle that looks like a coma patient's urine and tastes almost as bad. Up your game, Hubbard's Cave!

Breweries visited: None. (I know, right? Was supposed to hit a pair on Friday.)

Beer read of the week: This. Though the final three rounds were sort of silly, the first four are something I want to do with my beer buds some time soon-ish.

Other beer read of the week: This here. Dammit people, grow up!

Tastiest thing tasted: Totally drawing a blank. Nothing all that inspiring. Maybe the Pad Thai from Sushi House? It was a different, "wet" take on the classic dish, and I swear they threw like three eggs in there on top of a crazy amount of tofu. But they didn't give us any chili paste to go with it, dammit!

Best stroke of luck: Winning the "lottery" that was the Henna batch 3 presale. Tix sold out in less than a second. For a non-BA stout. Can't wait to try it on draft and then share a bottle that night next Saturday!

That's all for now. 

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